Artificial Intelligence (The history of ideas)


  1. The objective of the course is to familiarise students with the subject of artificial intelligence and its fundamental approaches and methodologies. The major approaches are historically surveyed: classical centralised approaches that rely basically on logic and tackle issues such as problem-solving, planning, learning, board games etc., as well as modern situated, behaviour-based and distributed approaches that follow a systemic and algorithmic methodology. Special emphasis is put on the topics that touch more generally on cognitive science and philosophy of mind: Turing test and chinese room experiment, symbol systems and symbol grounding, subsymbolic systems, connectionism, meaning of knowledge and representation in the different approaches, autonomy, emergence, creativity, consciousness.

  2. At a practical level, the course seeks to have the students experiment with at least one pre-existing system and realize the issues, theoretical and technical, involved in the design of a system demonstrating a degree of intelligence or modelling an aspect of it.


	Elpida Tzafestas
	Associate Professor
	Cognitive Science Laboratory
	Department of History and Philosophy of Science (M.I.Th.E.)
	National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
	University Campus, Ano Ilisia 15771 Athens
	Tel. (+30) 210-727 5522,
	     (+30) 210-727 5506
	Fax. (+30) 210-727 5530


Course material

Practical assignments (indicative)

Page last updated 09 March 2012
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